Production optimization in a pandemic

Production optimization in a pandemic

Production optimization in a pandemic context Abstract : A pandemic can wreak havoc in supply chains, as witnessed in the COVID-19 context. As workers get infected, production level drops and demand from customers goes unfulfilled. Combining in a novel way an epidemic...
Hedging weather risk and coordinating supply chains

Hedging weather risk and coordinating supply chains

Hedging weather risk and coordinating supply chains Abstract The sales of many products can be influenced by weather conditions, positively or negatively. For the manufacturers in question, one of their entrepreneurial risks is to incur lower than expected sales...
Choosing a transport contract over multiple periods

Choosing a transport contract over multiple periods

Abstract : We offer a shipper and a carrier the choice among three contracts in which to frame their relationship. Both can also take recourse in the transport spot market. Demand and price on the spot market are dependent exogenous stochastic processes. We model the...
La reverse logistique en tant qu’avantage compétitif

La reverse logistique en tant qu’avantage compétitif

Abstract : Reverse Logistics (RL) is a full member of a Supply Chain. As such, it must contribute by adding value to the latter. Moreover, firms are now supposed toprove they are citizens socially responsible for their acts and their consequences on the environment....