Hedging weather risk and coordinating supply chains

Hedging weather risk and coordinating supply chains

Hedging weather risk and coordinating supply chains Abstract The sales of many products can be influenced by weather conditions, positively or negatively. For the manufacturers in question, one of their entrepreneurial risks is to incur lower than expected sales...
Managing the financial consequences of weather variability

Managing the financial consequences of weather variability

Managing the financial consequences of weather variability Abstract : Cool summers or warm winters affect sales of scores of products of all businesses operating in the 70% of activity sectors that are exposed to weather variability. The renewed interest in...
Optimizing an objective function under bivariate probability

Optimizing an objective function under bivariate probability

Optimizing an objective function under bivariate probability Abstract : The motivation of this paper is to obtain an analytical closed form of a quadratic objective function arising from a stochastic decision process with bivariate exponential probability distribution...
Choosing a transport contract over multiple periods

Choosing a transport contract over multiple periods

Abstract : We offer a shipper and a carrier the choice among three contracts in which to frame their relationship. Both can also take recourse in the transport spot market. Demand and price on the spot market are dependent exogenous stochastic processes. We model the...